With the Success of adding many specialties in the NYC area including,Dermatology, Neurology, and Internal Medicine, G2 CRC LLC is looking to add some sites in the Midwest and West Coast. ” New York has been and will continue to be a great place to do research” insists Gabe Goldfeder, President of G2 CRC LLC. At the same time Goldfeder realizes the importance of having sites in other large urban hubs across the United States. This will only strengthen our existing sites and enable more people access to clinical trials. G2 CRC first founded in 2014 works with Physicians to start or improve their clinical trial programs. G2 CRC already has varied clinets as shown on their website, http://g2crc.com/
With access to many trials both upcoming and ongoing in various theraputic areas including, Neurology, Dermatology, and Internal Medicine G2 can service a variety of providers. Just recenly one of G2’s Dermatology sites was lead enroller in a psoriasis trial. ” As medicine becomes more diverse so must our client base” is the way Goldfeder sums up G2’s growth plan.